Working in Deep Tech

Deep Tech represents the cutting-edge frontier of technology. It’s where revolutionary innovations are born, ones that promise to redefine the contours of human progress. Embarking on a career in Deep Tech isn’t just about securing a job; it’s about being a part of the next big leap in human advancement. As the boundaries of what technology can achieve continue to expand, so do the opportunities for those daring enough to delve into its depths.

Check out our knowledgebase for more information. Are you looking for your dream job in STEM? Look here.

What is Deep Tech?
Deep Tech, a term that reverberates with promise and innovation, has recently become a buzzword in tech circles. But what exactly does it mean? Deep Tech is fundamentally different from traditional tech, and understanding its nuances is pivotal for anyone looking to explore its vast horizons.
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Origins of Deep Tech
Deep Tech finds its roots in the profound, groundbreaking technological innovations that significantly diverge from iterative improvements. Unlike the superficial layers of technology which often involve software applications harnessing existing hardware, Deep Tech delves deeper, revolutionizing the very hardware and foundational technologies we base our applications upon. It's a term often used to describe companies or innovations that are rooted in tangible scientific advances or high-tech engineering innovations, rather than a novel business model or a new consumer-centric application.
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Key characteristics of Deep Tech

Scientific Advancements

Deep Tech is grounded in substantial scientific discoveries or meaningful engineering innovations. Think of AI chips that enhance machine learning processes, or CRISPR technology that can edit genes.

Long-term Investment

Given its foundational nature, developing Deep Tech solutions requires prolonged R&D and capital investments.

High Entry Barriers

The intrinsic complexity of Deep Tech means that the barrier to entry is high. A robust understanding of fundamental sciences, be it quantum mechanics, biochemistry, or advanced material sciences, is often required.

Revolution, not Evolution

While conventional tech often iterates on existing paradigms, Deep Tech is about revolutionary changes. It doesn't just seek to improve the existing, but to redefine the very way we understand and interact with technology.
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Examples of Deep Tech

Quantum Computing

Traditional computers use bits as the smallest unit of data, which is either 0 or 1. Quantum computers use qubits, which can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously. This property can exponentially speed up computations, potentially revolutionizing fields from cryptography to drug discovery.


CRISPR technology, for example, provides a tool to edit genes, opening possibilities from eradicating certain genetic diseases to creating bioengineered crops that can withstand the harshest conditions.

Advanced Material Sciences

Discoveries of new materials or novel properties of existing materials, like graphene's excellent conductivity and flexibility, can lead to transformative products and solutions.
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Why choose a career in Deep Tech?
Pursuing a career in Deep Tech is not merely a professional choice; it's a decision to be at the forefront of the next wave of global transformation. Here’s why:


The very nature of Deep Tech means that you're not just working on the next mobile app or e-commerce site. You're contributing to projects that have the potential to reshape industries and change the world.

Challenging and Stimulating

If you're someone driven by challenges, the intricate problems posed in Deep Tech sectors will keep you on your toes. Whether it’s decoding the mysteries of quantum mechanics or engineering a new biotech solution, the challenges are profound.
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Monetary Rewards

Given the specialized knowledge required and the high entry barriers, careers in Deep Tech are often more remunerative than traditional tech roles.

Long-term Career Growth

With the world increasingly pivoting towards revolutionary technological solutions to contemporary problems, a career in Deep Tech promises not just immediate rewards but long-term growth and relevance.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Deep Tech often resides at the intersection of multiple disciplines. A career in this space offers the opportunity to delve deep into interdisciplinary knowledge, from understanding biology for AI-driven drug discovery to learning about material science for next-gen electronics.

Ethical and Philosophical Dimensions

Working on the frontiers of human knowledge and capability also brings with it profound ethical questions and considerations. It provides a unique opportunity to shape not just the technology of the future, but also the philosophical and ethical frameworks that will guide its application.
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Deep Tech and STEM
As we delve deeper into the essence of Deep Tech, it's impossible to overlook the symbiotic relationship between Deep Tech and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). STEM is the backbone of Deep Tech, providing the foundational knowledge, methodologies, and skill sets necessary for the exploration and expansion of these frontier technologies.

STEM as the Bedrock of Deep Tech


The ‘S’ in STEM is all about understanding the natural world. Deep Tech ventures often stem (pun intended) from groundbreaking scientific discoveries. Whether it’s the complex world of quantum physics underpinning quantum computing or molecular biology fueling biotech innovations, rigorous scientific exploration sets the stage for Deep Tech advancements.


While technology is a broad term, in the context of STEM, it relates to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Every major Deep Tech innovation is a testament to the applied aspects of foundational science. For instance, understanding the human genome's sequencing (science) is one thing; developing CRISPR technology to edit genes (technology) is another.


Engineering is about designing and building systems. In the world of Deep Tech, this means creating tangible solutions out of scientific and technological discoveries. Think of the engineer's role in designing a quantum computer or creating a bio-reactor for lab-grown meat.


Often termed the "language of the universe," mathematics provides the abstract tools and frameworks necessary to model, analyze, and predict outcomes in complex systems. Many Deep Tech sectors, especially AI and quantum computing, are heavily reliant on advanced mathematical models.
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The Need for STEM Education in Deep Tech

For Deep Tech to thrive, a strong foundation in STEM education is crucial. Here's why:

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

STEM education cultivates a mindset of analytical thinking and problem-solving, essential for addressing the multifaceted challenges posed in Deep Tech sectors.

Tackling Future Challenges

As global challenges, from climate change to pandemics, become more complex, solutions lie in the intersection of multiple STEM disciplines. Deep Tech will play a pivotal role in crafting these solutions.

Filling the Skill Gap

There’s a growing demand for skilled professionals in Deep Tech sectors. STEM education is the primary pathway to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools required for these roles.

Interdisciplinary Integration

True innovation in Deep Tech often happens at the intersection of various STEM disciplines. A solid grounding in STEM ensures that professionals can work at these intersections, drawing insights from one domain to solve challenges in another.
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